The History of the Qur`anic Readings in the Arabian Peninsula
The Holy Quran, Quranic readings, the Arabian Peninsula, historyAbstract
Objectives: This research aims to trace the general and fundamental features of the origin, development and spread of the Qur’anic readings in the Arabian Peninsula. It investigates the most prominent authorities in Qur’anic readings from the era of the Prophet to the present day and highlights the most famous readings in their various historical stages.
Methods: This research adopts a historical approach based on induction, descriptive approach and analytical procedures within three stages. The stages are the stage of origin estimated in the first four Hijri centuries, the stage of development which extended between the fifth and eighth Hijri centuries, and finally, the stage of spread which started from the ninth century to the present time.
Results: The research reached to a result with a general overview of the history of Qur'anic readings in the Arabian Peninsula, highlighting the role of its main regions in this respect and focusing on the essential issues by avoiding the historical narration which is loaded with characters and digressions. Moreover, the research draws attention to some of the influences that accompanied the journey of Qur’anic readings in the Arabian Peninsula from the Prophet’s era to the present day.
Conclusions: The research recommends that scholars and researchers should trace the history of the spread of Quranic readings in other Islamic regions, in order to draw a comprehensive map of this subject.
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