Fear of Covid-19 as a mediator between neuroticism and health anxiety among university students in Qatar





Fear of Covid-19 (Coronavirus),, neuroticism, health anxiety


Objectives: This research aims at identifying levels of fear of Covid-19, neuroticism, and health anxiety among university students in Qatar. In addition, it aims to identifying gender differences in fear of Covid-19, neuroticism, and health anxiety, and testing whether fear of Covid-19 mediates the relationship between neuroticism and health anxiety.

Methods: This research utilized a descriptive correlational approach. The research sample included 236 participants from colleges of Arts, Education, and Engineering (age range= 18-46, M= 24.98, SD= 6.24).

Results: Results show that levels of Fear of Covid-19, neuroticism, and health anxiety range from moderate to extremely low (32.15-59.24 %). No gender differences were found and fear of Covid-19 mediated the relationship between neuroticism and health anxiety.

Conclusions: Based on the results. It is recommended to do further research on the psychological impacts of Covid 19 and its relationship to other psycho-social variables.


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How to Cite

Adawi, T. R. ., Elsherbiny, A. M. ., Elbahnsawy, A. K. A. ., & Bataineh, O. M. F. . (2023). Fear of Covid-19 as a mediator between neuroticism and health anxiety among university students in Qatar. Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 50(1), 401–420. https://doi.org/10.35516/edu.v50i1.4611


