Strategies for Managing Organizational Conflict and Its Relationship to Job Well-Being: A Perspective of Department Directors at the University of Tabuk




Strategies, organizational conflict management, job satisfaction, female directors of departments, University of Tabuk


  • Objectives: The study aimed to identify the organizational conflict management strategies used by female department managers at the University of Tabuk and their relationship to job well-being from their point of view.

    Methods: The study used the descriptive correlative method. To answer the study questions, two questionnaires were developed. The first aimed to determine the organizational conflict management strategies used by the directors of departments at the University of Tabuk, consisting of 23 paragraphs distributed over four areas. The second questionnaire aimed to assess the level of job well-being among the directors of departments at the University of Tabuk, and it consisted of 20 paragraphs distributed over three areas. The study sample consisted of 176 directors of departments, representing 50% of the study population.

    Results: The study results showed that the sample members' estimates of the organizational conflict management strategies used by them were high. Similarly, the estimates of the directors of departments at the University of Tabuk for their level of job well-being were also high. The results also indicated a positive correlation between the organizational conflict management strategies used by female directors of departments at the University of Tabuk and their job well-being.

    Conclusions: The study recommends enhancing awareness of organizational conflict management methods and strategies among department managers.


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How to Cite

Alblwi, N. K. S. . (2023). Strategies for Managing Organizational Conflict and Its Relationship to Job Well-Being: A Perspective of Department Directors at the University of Tabuk . Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 50(2 -S1), 225–239. -S1.1229
Received 2022-05-18
Accepted 2022-07-17
Published 2023-08-30