The Effect of a Strategy Based on Mathematical Modeling among 10th Grade Students with Different Cognitive Styles in Mathematical Problem Solving


  • Adnan Al Abed Department of Curriculum and Instruction, School of Educational Sciences, University of Jordan, Jordan
  • Abdullah Al Khamaysah Ministry of Education, Jordan



Mathematical modeling, mathematical problem solving, cognitive styles, grade 10


Objectives: This study investigated the impact of a mathematical modeling strategy on 10th grade students' problem-solving abilities, considering different cognitive styles.

Methods: The experimental method and quasi-experimental design were employed. Two schools in Amman, Jordan, participated, with random assignment of two classes per school: one as the experimental group taught using the mathematical modeling strategy and the other as the control group taught using the traditional method. The sample consisted of 50 students (male and female) in the experimental group and 52 students (male and female) in the control group.

Results: The teaching materials, mathematical problem-solving test, and cognitive style test were prepared. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences (α = 0.05) in problem-solving abilities between the experimental and control groups, favoring the mathematical modeling strategy. However, no significant differences (α = 0.05) were found in problem-solving abilities based on the interaction between the teaching method and cognitive style.

Conclusions: These findings suggest the importance of encouraging mathematics teachers to adopt the mathematical modeling strategy and providing training on building teaching strategies based on mathematical modeling.


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How to Cite

Al Abed, A. . ., & Al Khamaysah, A. . (2023). The Effect of a Strategy Based on Mathematical Modeling among 10th Grade Students with Different Cognitive Styles in Mathematical Problem Solving . Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 50(2 -S1), 256–270. -S1.1435
Received 2022-06-15
Accepted 2022-07-27
Published 2023-08-30