Situational Awareness of Arabic Language Teachers: The Interactive Approach in Teaching Writing for Upper Basic Classes




Awareness, Arabic language, interactive approach, teachers, teaching of writing


Objectives: The present study aimed to assess the level of awareness among Arabic language teachers for upper basic classes regarding the interactive approach to teaching writing from their perspective. Additionally, the research sought to investigate the impact of variables such as gender, experience, and educational qualification on this awareness.

Methods: To achieve these objectives, a scale comprising 33 items was administered to 282 teachers in government schools affiliated with the Directorate of Education in the Marka District during the academic year 2020/2021. The study utilized a descriptive survey-analytical approach.

Results: The research revealed a high degree of awareness among Arabic teachers regarding the interactive approach to teaching writing. Statistically significant differences were observed at the 0.05 level of significance (α = 0.05) in the degree of awareness attributed to the gender variable, favoring females. However, the results did not indicate a statistically significant effect of experience on the degree of awareness.

Conclusions: Based on these findings, the study recommends enhancing the cognitive aspect of Arabic language teachers concerning the social theory underpinning the interactive approach and incorporating it into the content of training courses.


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How to Cite

Al-Rofo’a , H. K. S., & Alhaddad , A. S. . (2023). Situational Awareness of Arabic Language Teachers: The Interactive Approach in Teaching Writing for Upper Basic Classes . Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 50(2 -S1), 663–680. -S1.1848
Received 2022-08-07
Accepted 2022-09-26
Published 2023-08-30