Sources of Psychological Stress and its Relationship to Adjustment Strategies among Syrian Adolescence Refugees in Jordan


  • Omar. M. Alshawashreh Department of Psychology and Counseling Education, Yarmouk University, Jordan
  • Housneih. A. Nazzal Department of Psychology and Counseling Education, Yarmouk University, Jordan.


Sources of psychological stress, coping strategies, adolescents, Syrian refugees in Jordan


The study aims to identify the sources of psychological stress and coping strategies among a sample of Syrian adolescents in Jordan,. The sample of the study consisted of (441) male and female students, from grades (7-11). Two questionnaires were developed, one for the sources of psychological stress, and the other for coping strategies. The results indicated that the sources of emotional stress ranked first within the (high) level, followed by the sources of stress (physical, personal, academic, and social), respectively, and all of them came at the (medium) level. Moreover, the sources of stress (economic, family, and behavioral) came in the last three ranks, respectively, and all came at a (low) level. The (confrontation) strategy ranked first within the (high) level, followed by the strategies (religiosity, problem solving, social support, relaxation and entertainment, withdrawal and avoidance, and emotional discharge) respectively, all of which came at a (medium) level. The strategy (inappropriate behavior) came in the last place, and at a level (low). The study discusses other important findings and makes recommendations in this context.


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How to Cite

Alshawashreh, O. M. ., & Nazzal , H. A. . (2020). Sources of Psychological Stress and its Relationship to Adjustment Strategies among Syrian Adolescence Refugees in Jordan. Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 47(2), 306–326. Retrieved from


