Challenges Facing Teachers of Gifted Students at King Abdullah II School of Excellence in Jordan and their Relationship to Some Variables


  • Kawther Ismail Al-Rabee Department of Special Education, Al-Baha Universit, Saudi Arabia


Gifted students, teachers of gifted students, King Abdullah II Schools of Excellence


This study aimed to identifying the challenges facing teachers of gifted students at King Abdullah II Schools of Excellence in Jordan and its relationship to some variables such as sex, educational qualification and years of experience in teaching gifted people. The sample consisted of (80) teachers of King Abdullah II Schools of Excellence in the Northern Region, namely Ajloun, Irbid and Mafraq schools. The researcher has designed a scale of challenges facing teachers of gifted students in Jordan, which consists of five dimensions. The results of the study showed that the responses of the sample to the dimensions of the study ranged from low to medium, and that the most commonchallenges facing the teachers were in the dimension related to the curriculum the gifted study. The results of the study also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the respondents' assessment of the level of challenges due to gender, qualification,  and years of experience.


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How to Cite

Al-Rabee, K. I. . (2020). Challenges Facing Teachers of Gifted Students at King Abdullah II School of Excellence in Jordan and their Relationship to Some Variables. Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 47(4), 78–89. Retrieved from


