Level of Moral Intelligence and its Relationship to Moral Values among Gifted Students in King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence


  • Aziz Alrahamneh Special Education Department, Balqa Applied University, Jordan


Moral intelligence, moral values, talented students


This study aims at investigating the level of moral intelligence and its relation to moral values for tenth grade gifted students at King Abdullah Schools for Excellence in the district of Salt at the governorate of Al Balqa. A descriptive and correlational approach is adopted in this study. A questionnaire was employed for data collection, where minety three participnats completed the questionnaire. For the data analysis, the Borba Scale (2003) adjusted by Nawasrah (2018) was used. The results revealed that the median of the total moral values was (2.76) with a mild level of appreciation and that the median of the total moral intelligence was (3.39) with a  mild level of appreciation. Furthermore, a direct relation was found between the total degree of the moral intelligence scale and the total degree of the moral value scale for the population of the study. The study recommends the need to build an integrated system to develop concepts related to intelligence and moral values among gifted students at this stage, in which all socialization institutions participate.


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How to Cite

Alrahamneh , A. . (2021). Level of Moral Intelligence and its Relationship to Moral Values among Gifted Students in King Abdullah II Schools for Excellence. Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 48(2), 289–304. Retrieved from http://dsr.ju.edu.jo/djournals/index.php/Edu/article/view/2808


