Current and Preferred Organizational Culture at Northern Border University


  • Yousef Alnaser Faculty of Education and Arts, Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia


Organizational culture, faculty, Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia


The current study attempts to determine the dominant culture type of faculty members of Northern Border University (NBU), Saudi Arabia. The researcher used descriptive statistics by using the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) and its validity and reliability were ensured to explore the type of current and preferred culture from the point of view of faculty members of NBU.  The researcher calculated means and standard deviations and studied the statistical significance of differences due to variables (sex, age, job title, current position, experience, and college) by calculating analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results showed that hierarchical culture is the current dominant culture within the university, but clan culture is also preferred by a large number of the participants in the study. Based on the results, the researcher recommends adopting the preferred culture at the university which is the clan culture by linking it with development plans such as the strategic plan and restructuring it and linking it with the basic competencies project and restructuring academic programs. Also, adopting leadership methods that focus on participation by abandoning dominance and encouraging creativity, dialogue and facilitation.   


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How to Cite

Alnaser , Y. . . (2021). Current and Preferred Organizational Culture at Northern Border University. Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 48(2), 504–513. Retrieved from


