The Predictability of Self-Esteem and Causal Attribution Pattern up on the Academic Ambition among Secondary Students in the Governorate of Madaba


  • Rami Mahmuod Alyousef School of Educational Sciences, The University of Jordan, Jordan
  • Duaa Mohammad Alma'maah School of Educational Sciences, The University of Jordan, Jordan


Self Esteem, Causal Attribution; Academic Ambition


This study aims to examine the predictive ability of the level of self-esteem and the pattern of causal attribution prevailing in the level of academic ambition among secondary school students in the governorate of Madaba. The sample consisted of (900) high school students in the governorate of Madaba for the first semester of the academic year (2019 / 2020). They were chosen by the stratified random method. In order to achieve the objectives of the current study. Three scales prepared by the researcher were used after verifying their psychometric characteristics, namely: the Self-Estimate Scale, the Causal Attribution Scale, and the Academic Aspiration Scale. The result revealed that high school students in Madaba Governorate enjoy a high level of self-esteem as well as from the level of academic ambition, and that the prevailing causal attribution pattern is the pattern of unstable internal factors, and the results indicated a predictive ability of the level of self-esteem and the causal attribution pattern prevailing at the level of academic ambition. Self-esteem explained its rate (13.4%), while the prevailing causal attribution pattern explained (2.5%). The study recommended a number of recommendations, including the preparation of support programs that contribute to the governorate, the high level of self-esteem of high school students.


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How to Cite

Alyousef, R. M. . ., & Alma’maah, D. M. . (2021). The Predictability of Self-Esteem and Causal Attribution Pattern up on the Academic Ambition among Secondary Students in the Governorate of Madaba. Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 48(4), 130–144. Retrieved from


