Slaughter According to Sharia: A Study in Islamic Doctrine and Jurisprudence


  • Rana Mazin Al Salaymeh Department of Arabic Language, College of Islamic Sciences, University of Ağrı İbrahim Şeşanو Ağrı, Turkey.



Sacrifice, slaughter, People of the Book


Objectives: Islamic Slaughtering is one of the issues by which the servant becomes close to Allah in accordance with what is stipulated in the legal texts. The reason for the choice of the study is that the Muslim should be aware of what he/she eats or drinks. Therefore, the study came in accordance with the rules of doctrinal and legal provisions. The main objective is to clarify the doctrinal controls and the legal rulings related to slaughtering.

Methods: The research applied three approaches, namely inductive, descriptive, and analytical. The material investigated related to the subject of Islamic slaughtering was drawn from the doctrinal and jurisprudential perspectives, by clarifying the legality of the sacrifices of the People of the Book, clarifying the views of the jurisprudential schools on the issue, and defining the term Islamic Slaughtering.

Results: The research finds that the sacrifices of the People of the Book are permissible for all legal texts, and that the sacrifice is not valid unless the name of Allah is uttered, even if it is in a language other than the Arabic.

Conclusions: The study recommends that Muslims should ask about Islamic Slaughtering because it is an act of worshipping Allah the Almighty. The sacrifices of the People of the Book are not problematic because it is a solution for Muslims. Thus, it is crucial that Muslims ensure that meat imported from non-Muslim countries was slaughtered according to Islamic rules.


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How to Cite

Al Salaymeh, R. M. (2022). Slaughter According to Sharia: A Study in Islamic Doctrine and Jurisprudence. Dirasat: Shari’a and Law Sciences, 49(2), 164–179.


