A Critical Study of the Case of Discord and Conflict In Light Of Article 126 of the Jordanian Personal Status Law for the Year 2019


  • Nour Adel Abu Jameh Independent Author, Zarqa, Jordan.




Lawsuit, discord, dispute


Objectives: The study aims to explain the concept of discord and conflict in jurisprudence, and the Jordanian Personal Status Law, explain the ruling on differentiation for discord and conflict in Islamic jurisprudence, identify the extent to which the judge relies on the two judgments in determining the percentage of abuse for each spouse, and find out evidence for the entitlement of the dowry in full in jurisprudence and the Jordanian Personal Status Law.

Methods: The study followed the inductive approach, which is based on extrapolating the texts related to the subject of the study from their original sources, and then analyzing them. It is also based on the comparative approach, where I presented the sayings of jurisprudence schools and the texts of the Personal Status Law and the Code of Shari'a Procedures.

Results: The study found that the conflicts that occur after marriage between spouses have nothing to do with the dowry, because the dowry is the right of the wife.

Conclusions: The study recommend that the draft law reconsider the case of discord and dispute and reformulate the relevant legal texts. And repealing paragraphs e, f, and g of Article 126 of the Personal Status Law.


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How to Cite

Abu Jameh, N. A. . (2022). A Critical Study of the Case of Discord and Conflict In Light Of Article 126 of the Jordanian Personal Status Law for the Year 2019. Dirasat: Shari’a and Law Sciences, 49(2), 125–138. https://doi.org/10.35516/law.v49i2.1516


