Pre-service Social Studies Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Using E-learning in the College of Education at Kuwait University




Pre-service, social studies teachers, E-learning, college of education


Objectives: The study aimed to identify the attitudes of pre-service social studies teachers towards the use of e-learning at the College of Education, Kuwait University.

Methods: A questionnaire was used as a tool for the study, and the descriptive survey method was employed. The study sample consisted of 117 male and female students who were randomly selected from all pre-service social studies teachers at the College of Education, Kuwait University. They were asked about their attitudes towards the utilization of e-learning in their future teaching practices.

Results: The results showed that the attitudes of pre-service social studies teachers towards the use of e-learning at the College of Education, Kuwait University, were highly positive. The first axis (planning) ranked first, the second axis (implementation) ranked second, and the third axis (evaluation and feedback) ranked last.

Conclusion: The attitudes of pre-service social studies teachers towards the use of e-learning were effective. The study recommends conducting training courses for teacher students to enable them to use modern e-learning techniques in explaining the social studies curriculum.


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How to Cite

Al-Enezi , S. M. ., & Al-Shammari , A. K. . (2023). Pre-service Social Studies Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Using E-learning in the College of Education at Kuwait University. Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 50(4), 318–329.



Received 2023-03-17
Accepted 2023-06-12
Published 2023-12-15