The Effect of Using The Inclusion Teaching Style in A Whole Versus Part on Learning Crawling Swimming Skills for Beginners from The Age of 14-15 Years




The inclusion style, the whole method, the part method, crawling swimming skill on the back


Objectives: The study aims to examine the impact of employing the comprehensive teaching method, specifically the whole-part method, on the acquisition of crawling swimming skill on the back among individuals aged 14-15 years who are beginners in swimming.

Methods: The study employed an experimental approach with 28 students from Al-Tafilah Governorate's Directorate of Education. Purposively selected, they were divided into two equal groups. The first, comprising 14 students, was taught with the whole-part method, while the second, also with 14 students, used the partial method within a comprehensive approach. The instructional program spanned 6 weeks, with three 60-minute sessions per week. Post-training, the study assessed skills (sliding on the back, arm movements, leg kicks, overall coordination) through independent samples (T) tests and paired samples (T) tests. Analysis involved arithmetic means, standard deviations, and the Pearson correlation coefficient.

Results: The results indicated that there were significant differences between the pre-test and post-test measures for the skills under investigation between the two groups favoring the post-test measures. However, no statistically significant differences were found at a significant level of (0.05≥α) in the post-test measures for the back-crawl swimming skills between the two groups.

Conclusion: The study concludes that employing the comprehensive approach, the whole-part and partial methods, effectively teaches back crawling swimming to individuals aged 14-15 years. It suggests further research across diverse age groups, exploring various swimming skills, and extending the training program duration. A broader investigation can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the comprehensive approach's effectiveness in teaching swimming.


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How to Cite

Alnaddaf, A. M. ., & Alsheyab, F. A. . (2023). The Effect of Using The Inclusion Teaching Style in A Whole Versus Part on Learning Crawling Swimming Skills for Beginners from The Age of 14-15 Years. Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 50(4), 415–426.



Received 2023-04-01
Accepted 2023-07-05
Published 2023-12-15