The Impact of Corona Virus on Contractual Imbalance and Ways to Treat it in Lease Contracts: A Legal Jurisprudence Study (Jordan as a Model)


  • Iyad Falah Damour Department of Fiqh and its Fundamentals, School of Sharia, The University of Jordan, Jordan.



Corona virus, contractual imbalance, Lease contracts.


Objectives: The study aims to show the impact of Corona virus on contractual imbalance in lease contracts and ways to treat it.

Methods: The study relied on a descriptive, analytical and deductive method. By employed a descriptive approach to clarify the main terms in the study, which are: ijarah, Corona virus, and contractual balance. He also employed an analytical method in addressing the impact of Corona virus on contractual balance. As for the deductive approach, it came to devise ways to address the contractual imbalance due to Corona virus in lease contracts.

Results: The study concluded a number of results. Corona virus affected the contractual balance in many contracts, including lease contracts, as it contributed to the breach of the obligations of the parties to the contract. Dealing with Corona pandemic must take into account the interests of the contracting parties, which are justice and balance. The measures taken by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to confront the Corona virus had a direct impact on contracts, and on lease contracts in particular. There are legitimate and legal solutions to address contractual imbalance in lease contracts due to the Corona virus, such as termination, reduction of obligation, contract modification, or termination.

Conclusions: The study recommends that official authorities add the phrase "taking into account the interests of both parties" to Defense Law, Article (11).


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How to Cite

Damour, I. F. . (2022). The Impact of Corona Virus on Contractual Imbalance and Ways to Treat it in Lease Contracts: A Legal Jurisprudence Study (Jordan as a Model). Dirasat: Shari’a and Law Sciences, 49(2), 95–111.


