The Effect of Using Jigsaw Strategy on Developing Achievement among Students of the International Islamic Sciences University in the Subject of Qur’an Sciences


  • Mohammed Mahmoud Al-Sawadah Department of Da`wa and Fundamentals of Religion College of Da`wa and Fundamentals of Religion, The world Islamic Sciences and Education University, Jordan.
  • Rabea Ismail Al-Refaie Department of Curricula and Education Technologies, Taif University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Aisha Moh. Alswadea Teacher, The Ministry of Education, Jordan.


Jigsaw strategy, academic achievement, Qur’an sciences


The research aims to explore the effect of jigsaw strategy on improving academic achievement of students of the Qur’an Sciences at the University of Islamic Sciences.To achieve this goal, an academic achievement test was designed to test students’ performance on Qur’an sciences. The study followed the semi-experimental method; the sample was taken from (58) students registered for Qur’an sciences course for the first semester of the academic year 2019/2020; the students were randomly assigned to two groups. A control group contained (28) students who were taught using the traditional method. The students of the other group (the experimental group) contained (30) students and learned using the jigsaw strategy. A pretest and a posttest were conducted on both groups to measure their achievement. The results showed that there are statistically significant differences at the level (0.05≥α) on the total score of the scale between the mean scores of the control group and that of the experimental group, and on all dimensions in favor of the experimental group. This confirms the effectiveness of using jigsaw strategy for improving academic achievement. The study recommended the need to use the jigsaw strategy in teaching Quranic sciences because of its impact on the development of achievement after training teachers to teach Quranic Sciences according to this strategy


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How to Cite

Al-Sawadah, M. M. ., Al-Refaie, R. I. ., & Alswadea, A. M. (2021). The Effect of Using Jigsaw Strategy on Developing Achievement among Students of the International Islamic Sciences University in the Subject of Qur’an Sciences. Dirasat: Shari’a and Law Sciences, 48(4), 45–55. Retrieved from


