The Opinion of Abū al- Ḥassan Al- Ashʿarī (Died 324 AH/ 936 AD): "Accidents do not Stay for Two Consecutive Times" and its Relation to Islamic Creed


  • Eisa Rabeeh Ahmad College of Education, Humanities, & Social Studies, Al-Ain University, UAE (2012-2018); and School of Sharia, University of Jordan, Jordan


Axiom, Al-Ashʿarī, Islamic scholastic theology (Kalām), Islamic creed.


This research concerns the notions underlying the axiom “an accident does not remain two consecutive times” in the Islamic Theology and its relation to issues in Islamic Creed according to one of the most famous scholars of Kalām (Islamic Scholastic Theology), namely Abū al- Ḥassan Al- Ashʿarī. His theological school is widely discussed in the Islamic world, in both ancient and modern times. This axiom has accurate implementations in issues of Islamic theology, which requires demonstrating and highlighting its importance through investigating its effect on adopting the issues of Kalām according to Abū Al- Ḥassan Al-Ashʿarī, using the inductive and analytical approaches in analyzing the texts under investigation. The research is divided into an introduction and five sections. The first section examines the concept of 'Alʿaraḍ' (accident) from the perspective of Muslim theologians and philosophers. The second section explains the axiom “an accident does not remain two consecutive times” according to Al-Ashʿarī. The third section explains the pieces of evidence Al-Ashʿarī used to establish such an axiom. The fourth section tackles the ideological issues related to this axiom. The fifth section presents the main findings and recommendations of the research. The study found that if you know the characteristics of the physical world components, you know the characteristics that cannot be attributed to God due to the absolute difference between the Creator’s characteristics and the creatures’ characteristics. In addition, the researcher reached new proof concerning the axiom, its provisions, and its relation to accidents..


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How to Cite

Ahmad, E. R. . (2021). The Opinion of Abū al- Ḥassan Al- Ashʿarī (Died 324 AH/ 936 AD): "Accidents do not Stay for Two Consecutive Times" and its Relation to Islamic Creed. Dirasat: Shari’a and Law Sciences, 48(4), 193–201. Retrieved from


