The Increase in the Use of the “Saya” Expression among the Sumbawa Millennial Generation in the Globalization Era




Language Maintenance, Millennial Generation, Globalization Era, Character, Expression


Objectives: This study aims to investigate the use of the "saya" expression among the millennial generation in Sumbawa, Indonesia, both within the family environment and in society. Objectives include understanding the role of expression in preserving language and its influence in instilling literature, ethics and personality during the era of globalization.

Methods: Data for this study were collected through observation and interviews. Observations focused on how the millennial generation used the "saya" expression within the family and outside. Interviews were conducted with community leaders in Sumbawa. The collected data were analyzed using various grouping techniques.

Results: The study found that the use of the "saya" expression was prevalent in different contexts, serving not only as a linguistic expression but also as a tool to promote literature, ethics and personality among Sombawa's millennials. The expression was utilized as both a subject and an adverb in sentences, highlighting its flexibility in communication.

Conclusions: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the frequent use of the "saya" expression by the people of Sumbawa contributes to their reputation as a society that maintains morality, ethics and good character. The expression plays a significant role in preserving language and serves as a means of instilling important values in the millennial generation, particularly in the face of globalization. Understanding the cultural significance of the "saya" expression can aid in preserving traditions and promoting positive societal attributes.


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How to Cite

Saleh, M., Wildan, M. ., & Ahmad, J. . (2024). The Increase in the Use of the “Saya” Expression among the Sumbawa Millennial Generation in the Globalization Era. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 51(3), 323–335.



Foreign Languages
Received 2022-08-15
Accepted 2023-06-22
Published 2024-05-30