The Level of Employing Critical Thinking Skills by the Instructors at Faculty of Education from the Perspective of Graduate Students


  • Sahar Abushokeedem Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers Training, An-Najah National University, Palestine
  • Ebaa Alsalqan Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers Training, An-Najah National University, Palestine
  • Dana Sawalha Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers Training, An-Najah National University, Palestine
  • Sajeda Shareef Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers Training, An-Najah National University, Palestine
  • Wardah Helal Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers Training, An-Najah National University, Palestine


Critical thinking skills, faculty of education, graduate students, An-Najah University


The current study aimed to reveal the degree of employment of teachers of the Faculty of Educational Sciences at An-Najah National University for critical thinking skills from the point of view of its students at the Faculty of Graduate Studies in educational specialties. The study adopted the descriptive analytical curriculum, and (276) students were randomly selected to represent the study sample of those studying during the academic year 2019/2020, and a questionnaire was built with a coefficient of stability(0.85) . The results revealed that the level of employment of critical thinking skills in the Faculty of education is average. There is no impact of gender and degree on the level of critical thinking skills. There is an impact of specialization on the students' point of view on the use of critical thinking skills in favor of Master of science teaching methods, and the researchers recommended building training courses for teachers of the Faculty of Educational Sciences on the use of critical thinking skills.


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How to Cite

Abushokeedem, S. ., Alsalqan, E. ., Sawalha, D. ., Shareef, S. ., & Helal, W. . (2021). The Level of Employing Critical Thinking Skills by the Instructors at Faculty of Education from the Perspective of Graduate Students. Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 48(3), 201–215. Retrieved from


