Criminal Protection of Animal Life and Body Safety in the Jordanian Penal Law: A Comparative Study with the French Penal Law"


  • Saif Ibrahim Al-Masarweh School of Law, Mu’tah University, Jordan.
  • Amal Abdallah Abuanzeh School of Law, The University of Jordan, Jordan.



Criminal protection, animal body safety, Jordanian penal law, French penal law.


Objectives: The current study explores the scope of criminal protection for animal life and body safety in the Jordanian Penal Code and compares it with the French Penal Code.

Methods: To this end, this study adopts a comparative analytical descriptive approach by presenting the texts of the Jordanian Penal Code that address criminalizing the different forms of assault on animal life and body safety, analyzing and commenting on them to reveal how to confront these crimes. The study also compares these texts with the texts of the French Penal Code.

Results: The study shows that the Jordanian legislature’s approach tends to criminally protect pets and domestic animals by considering them property owned by others. In contrast, the French legislature is devoted to the protection of animals as living creatures with feelings. Moreover, the scope of this protection for the Jordanian legislature is limited to accommodate all forms of assault on animal life and the safety of its body, in addition to the weak penalties prescribed for criminal acts of assault.

Conclusions: The Jordanian legislature should reconsider the crimes of assault on animal life and the safety of its body as a living being that has feelings and criminalize unintentional killing and harming of the animal, and criminalize neglect, simple beating, and sexual assault on it. In addition, it is important to penalize the commencement of crimes of assaulting animal life and body safety with tougher penalties for these crimes.


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How to Cite

Al-Masarweh س. ا., & Abuanzeh أ. ع. (2022). Criminal Protection of Animal Life and Body Safety in the Jordanian Penal Law: A Comparative Study with the French Penal Law". Dirasat: Shari’a and Law Sciences, 49(2), 180–196.


