Effectiveness of Training Based on an Instructional Design Model for Creating Innovative OERs on Teachers’ Professional Competencies





Instructional design model, open educational resources(OER, teachers’ professional competencies, a model for creating innovative OER


Objectives: The study aims to reveal the effect of teacher training based on an instructional design model (GHOSHEH model) for creating open educational resources(OER) on teachers' professional competencies.

Methods: The study was based on the convergent parallel design; so quantitative and qualitative data were collected simultaneously and analyzed separately due to deduce the results of the study. Two instruments were used; the first one is a pre- and post-questionnaire for teachers' professional competencies. The second one is a focus group interview. The study's sample, which was purposively chosen, consists of 289 teachers who participated in the training program based on the model.

Results: The results of the study show that the training based on the instructional design model for creating innovative OER, which incorporates a group of theories, and includes multi-learner-centered educational strategies, has a positive impact on teachers' professional competencies. This impact is related to instructional design, teaching process implementation, teaching process management, management implementations, and evaluation.

Conclusions: The study concluded that training based on the instructional design model for creating innovative OER positively impacts teachers' professional competencies. Thus, the authors recommend adopting the instructional design model for creating innovative OER in teachers' training programs in the teaching process.


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How to Cite

Ghosheh, D. W. ., Affouneh, S. ., & Burgos, D. . (2023). Effectiveness of Training Based on an Instructional Design Model for Creating Innovative OERs on Teachers’ Professional Competencies. Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 50(3), 436–451. https://doi.org/10.35516/edu.v50i3.3377



Received 2022-12-17
Accepted 2023-02-14
Published 2023-10-23