Jews Stereotypes in the Arabic and Spanish Cultures: A Comparative Study
Jews, Qur'an, spanish proverbs, stereotype, cultureAbstract
Objectives: This study primarily aims to investigate the stereotype of Jews in Arabic and Spanish cultures, where they are similarly described and portrayed. It also seeks to demonstrate that Jews are, to a great extent, negatively depicted in both cultures, emphasizing that societal stereotypes about Jews largely align in both contexts.
Methods: The methodology of the study involves identifying specific stereotypes of Jews present in both Arabic and Spanish cultures. To practically compare these stereotypes, the study examines nine Quranic verses representing Jewish stereotypes and nine Spanish proverbs expressing the same stereotypes. The stereotypes are then compared across cultures.
Results: The main finding of this study is that stereotypes about a particular community or nation can stem from deeply rooted literature, whether divine, like the Quran, or non-divine, like proverbs. The study concludes that Arabs and Spanish share similar negative viewpoints about Jews.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that Jews are similarly depicted in Arabic and Spanish cultures. It also highlights that both the Qur'an and Spanish proverbs serve as significant cultural and authentic references, sharing the same negative viewpoint about Jews. Furthermore, the study concludes that the impact of the Qur'an on Arabic culture is parallel to the influence of proverbs on Spanish culture.
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Accepted 2024-01-10
Published 2024-11-14