Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education (Challenges and Guidelines)– A Systematic Review




Artificial intelligence, guiding principles, higher education


Objectives: This study aimed to identify the challenges of using artificial intelligence and to determine the guiding principles that should be included in artificial intelligence policies in higher education.

Methods: This study employed a systematic review of relevant literature published between 2020 and 2023. Utilizing the Scopus database, a comprehensive search was conducted to identify pertinent studies. Following the PRISMA extension guidelines, 25 studies were selected for inclusion in the systematic review.

Results: The results revealed several challenges associated with the utilization of artificial intelligence in higher education across various domains, including data safety and quality, application and experience, data security and privacy, academic integrity, workforce replacement, and social skills. Furthermore, the results also indicated the necessity of providing a set of guiding principles to regulate the use of artificial intelligence and mitigate the challenges arising from its use in higher education, including: justice, transparency, accountability, human independence, security, privacy and data management, human oversight, technological power, and safety.

Conclusions: Based on the findings, the study recommends the implementation of a set of measures and frameworks that lead to the effective application of artificial intelligence technology in higher education and mitigate its challenges.


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How to Cite

Abu Safi, S. ., & Al-Qudah, M. A. . (2024). Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education (Challenges and Guidelines)– A Systematic Review. Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 51(3), 201–216.



Foundations and Educational Leadership
Received 2024-03-31
Accepted 2024-06-04
Published 2024-09-15